Tuesday 17 November 2015

22. Easy Pickings in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Part 11)

They say "if it works, don't fix it". So we carried out our second hunt for Kuala Lumpur street art in pretty much the same manner as the first.

Once again, we started with a subway ride, this time to the rather downtrodden area called Dato' Keramak, also by the stormwater drains. We descended via a garbage-strewn ramp:

to a subterranean level by the Klang River:

Once again, our hardest choice was how to get back and forth across the water, given that there were murals on both sides. We could, of course, have swum in front of the rapids:

Or clambered across the rather dubious-looking pipe-bridge that resembled a giant crocodile:

But, once again, we took the cowardly - but dry - way out by walking back up the ramp and crossing over a real bridge. 
Our effort was splendidly rewarded. We saw quite a few artistically drawn portraits like these by Mazen:
and SycoDe:
And, as usual, quite a few by very talented - albeit anonymous or illegible - artists:

There were also quite a few portraits of distinctly un-human types, like these by Gore:
and others unidentifiable:
Last, but not least, we saw some quite splendid artwork on the round pillars supporting the LRT above - not the easiest surface on which to work:

So there you have it, some of the gems mined from the longest stretch of street art in the world. Please keep in mind that we barely scratched the surface and you many want to journey to Kuala Lumpur to see what you can dig up on your own. We've given you directions to the mother lode of murals and we've told you about the hazards to watch out for. All we ask is that you not violate any local customs or laws while you're there: